Annabel and I enjoying Skateraw near Dunbar

One minute you have a settled life, a job, house and activities in the local community – then you meet someone, you sell up, and decide to explore around the country house and pet sitting!

Well that might not be what everyone decides, but it did to us – Annabel and I met a few years ago, and after some thought, (not too much) we sold my house in Cornwall and haven’t looked back since.

Being digital nomads, we have both managed to continue our employment, while enjoying the privilage of our circumstances by seeing various parts of the United Kingdom.

So far, we have had enjoyed a steamy beer festival in Yorkshire, Christmas in Sussex, New Year in Scotland and a breezy Easter time in Wales.

Along the way we have met some wonderful people, great pets and I hope those who follow these pages will enjoy following our journey.

Please feel free to get in contact with us, and we’ll be glad to share our experiences – of being no home, digital nomads!

Our Journeys and Explorations.

  • Yorkshire Sunday Drive

    Yorkshire Sunday Drive

    A simple day today, get the car out of the drive, and point it left. Over the rolling hills, banking curves and open expanse of the Yorkshire moors found us at Robin Hood’s Bay. We arrived to a manic carpark, with a dog that was whining in the back. We retreated back up the steep…

  • Train To Whitby

    Train To Whitby

    Wednesday, finds Annabel and I taking the day off for a trip on the NYMR, the plan, a steam train ride for some f+c in Whitby. A blue clear sky, and baking temperature, we prepared carefully to take the dog with us on the train. Arriving for the first train of the day, we were…

  • Roman Adders

    Roman Adders

    Pickering finds us chatting to the owners of our new charge, a lovely greyhound called Oonagh. Our sit is a converted farm house. After a chat about the local area over a relaxing breakfast. We have a standard check list, where’s the water stop cock, gas stop, electrical board, and for the dog, are there…

  • 2CV To England

    2CV To England

    Tuesday and we awoke to the prospect of a fun drive through France for our return trip to England. However, we had a poorly 2CV and I was asked to share a car with Annabel, so another driver could return in a car. Sad not to drive, but delighted to have the opportunity to share…

  • Tours and Off

    Tours and Off

    Waking in Tours, Annabel and I headed out to explore the city, we only had a few hours, so decided to head to the Cathedral via the railway station, (which sadly was just outside the hotel 🙂 ). We wondered the streets enjoying the architecture and studied the amazing stone and wood work of the…

  • 2CV Tours

    2CV Tours

    Work called for a quick trip for me to Cornwall. I returned on the Thursday evening, and Annabel and I went to the local pub, (as there had been a massive power cut on the farm). Friday we had a day catching up in preparation for our 2CV trip to Tours in France. This is…

  • Querky Snowshill

    Querky Snowshill

    Saturday 11th May and we decide to venture to another National Trust House Snowshill Hill Estate. Querky is the only way to describe the interior, while the exterior is a lovely manor set on the side of the Cotswold hills. Eccentric Charles Wade had restored the estate after he purchased it in 1919, rather than…

  • Pasty and Return

    Pasty and Return

    Our time in Cornwall and Talland Bay is over – so we once more pack the car and head back to Hannington. We’ve had a lovely week, and it’s been a great time to see everyone. Two pasties are purchased before we cross the border back into Devon, – we munch them overlooking the Tamar…

  • Talland and Friends

    Talland and Friends

    Fair to say the week has been an excellent chance to relax in Cornwall and catch up with friends. From Saturday 4th May, until the Wednesday evening before we left, we have had friends and relatives join us for each evening – sharing sun, food and wine. The weather has been perfect, and taking our…

  • Falling Into Place

    Falling Into Place

    May 4th and the sun has finally come out, and is making up for the grey days that have dominated 2024 to date! This Saturday finds us driving down to Cornwall for our planned week of work and seeing friends. With the clear blue sky, we drive across Dartmoor to pick up some cakes for…