Woke to find our snake had still not eaten its poached rat from the previous evening, therefore Annabel and I resigned ourselves to having to wait another week before trying again. Adding insult to injury, rather than eat the rat, Vanessa, (snake) had decided to just stretch out over the decesed furry offering, meaning I would have the joy of removing and disposing of the rodent in the evening. With this excitment to come, Annabel and I spent the day working.
Our dog walk tonight gave us a chance to wonder the coast westward along the north shore of the Firth of Forth, both of us keeping an eye out for more seals.
Taking our dogs down the hill, we went under the railway, and wondered along cycle route/coastpath 76. It took me only a few minutes to spot the signs of something that looked like an old railway bed underfoot, and we soon walked past what looked like an old limekiln leading to a disused harbour. Research is required.
Returning to the castle, Annabel agreed to feed the dogs, while I headed up the tower to retrieve the rat for disposal. Walking into the room, I went to open the tank, only to regsiter that there was something missing, well actually, two things! No snake in sight, and more surprising no rat!
I did, I suppose, double take, and then it began to dawn that just perhaps the snake had dined! Looking under the log inside the tank, revealed, with relief, the presence of Vanessa. Further investigation confirmed the absence of a rat. On the basis the snake wasn’t moving, and it appeared to have a new bulge along it’s body, I am concluding with joy that perhaps we have been more successful at feeding the snake this week.
With joy I told Annabel the news, and we both relaxed for a quite evening.