Pickering finds us chatting to the owners of our new charge, a lovely greyhound called Oonagh. Our sit is a converted farm house. After a chat about the local area over a relaxing breakfast. We have a standard check list, where’s the water stop cock, gas stop, electrical board, and for the dog, are there any dangers we need to know about, ticks, adders being just some of them!
We are informed ticks are common, but we are unlikely to see any adders… Well we proved that wrong on our get to know the best spots tour and walk of the old Roman Fort of Cawthorn.
A cloudy cool day, we walk into town for basic provisions to allow our hosts time to pack their car and prep for their journey to France. David notes instantly how close the NYMR is to the centre of town. More time will be spent here. We also noted where the local good shops were, and enjoyed our first Yorkshire tea and bun.
Waving the hosts off we venture into the garden to enjoy the late afternoon sun with our new hound.