Morning walk, work and lunch done, Annabel and I ended up in Petersfield picking up ingredients for tomorrow’s dinner – as a house we have decided to use a turkey from last year – to do an impromptu Christmas meal for some guests coming to collect the little dog, tomorrow.
Petersfield gave me a chance to complete some further admin regarding the house sale and have a quick explore.
A typical rural town, with a high-street where once again looking up revealed the true beauty and interest of the buildings.
Most prominent though, was the statue of William III on the square – I had a few minutes, to investigate and expected some link between the town and William of Orange – however it appears the only connection is that a former MP Sir William Jolliffe left some money to the town to have the statue erected. So far, I can’t find any more link than this.
Rest of the day was a catch up with some village friends.