A simple day today, get the car out of the drive, and point it left. Over the rolling hills, banking curves and open expanse of the Yorkshire moors found us at Robin Hood’s Bay.
We arrived to a manic carpark, with a dog that was whining in the back. We retreated back up the steep hill and found some open moorland to exercise the dog. With Sunday lunch calling, an internet search found a lovely little pub in a village on the edge of the moors and away from the crowds.

Half hour, and we were at The Board Inn in Lealholm. A quaint village, with some stepping stones over a lovely river, lots of little shops, cafes, and a traditional garage. The Inn didn’t disappoint, and we enjoyed a couple of simple traditional pub meals.
From Leadholm we drove over the top of the moors to once more walk our whining dog. Not sure what’s she been eating, but she did indeed need a third walk of the day!