Saturday evening – no moon – we are in the kitchen, dining hut, and two odd eyes come to the window – staring in at Annabel and I – a stray had ventured into the farm and was searching around – further back in the dark, another two eyes stare – we have two strays.
At first Annabel thought they belonged to a relative of the house owner, but we quickly established they were two lost dogs – I tried to go out to read the collar, but growls and barks persuaded me to wait – instead we phoned around to discover the were probably from the neighbouring farm – the two dogs would surely find their way home.
Sunday morning, and I awake to….

Annabel does the last packing – I learn the fun of calling the Swindon dog warden service – something I didn’t enjoy as they were lovely dogs, and the thought of them being imprisoned for the day did not fill me with joy.
9 o’clock we are about to leave – I heard a whistle in a nearby field – and as if knowing their fate for the day the two dogs vanished – heading back to their rightful owner.
This meant we left on time in Annabel’s recently purchased Golf. A more sizeable car then the Kia, – and the right pedal more adapt to Annabel’s desire for speed – we made good time, getting into Snowdonia about lunchtime, which meant a quick stop by a river over looking some National Trust houses.

Arriving at our new house for ten days, we met Oslo! From tiny to giant, Oslo is a whole different size to Jolly.