Last night I had read a little about the history of Forest Row, which is the village just down from where we are staying.
Sadly, two unfortunates had been hung on the steep Way Hill road that runs from Forest Row, past our house sit, to East Grinstead – they had held up the mail coach, by waiting at the entrance to an old Roman road. The two individuals were brought to their end on the very spot of their crime, watched by 3000 people.
The mention of a Roman road sparked my interest – Annabel remembered a parking spot on the Forest handily named Roman Road, so we decided to go there for our daily walk.
An entrance sign proclaimed that remains of the Roman Road can be found, so we searched around – well followed the dogs random paths – sadly though we couldn’t be sure that the earth works we were looking at, was the lost road. We left with two mucky dogs, and me for some more research.
Evening found us in the Hop Yard brewery for their Christmas quiz. Some very entertaining questions, including a Kazoo round, when we had to guess the song being played – also a Ho Ho Ho round, where the lyrics were replaced by the Christmas onomatopoeia.