Tuesday in Oakhanger, and we’ve been introduced to our new charges – a beautiful red lab, and a jack russel that has a turn of speed and jump that would give Motorcross a decent race – we have spent the day building friendships and trust so they get used to our presence over the next few weeks.
The lab is as friendly and easy going as a hippee on a sun lounger, and the russel is peaceful just mellowing on the sofa – we couldn’t have asked for two more relaxing dogs to look after, certainly on the basis of day 1 – fourteen days down the line, and this blog may sound a little more haggard of course….
Work occupied us most of the day, as the two owners of the house we are looking after, busied themselves packing for their next 2CV adventures in spain and Morroco – more on that over the next few days.
A peaceful k9 day though – the sounds of the army practising over on Bordon adding an unusual soundscape to proceedings.